
Drake Music Analysis

Good Essays

Music has a different way of explaining how someone feels in a situation. The lyrics of a song can say more about an individual’s feelings than the individual actually explaining the way they feel. My personality has changed throughout the years, but a song that will always hold a special spot in my heart is in Drakes Album, “Nothing was the same.”
A chaotic time period started my first year of high school. I expected this time period to be filled with new experiences, new relationships, and overall positivity. Unfortunately, this time period was surrounded by uncontrollable sadness and constant worrying. I never felt so exhausted in my life, yet I always got eight hours of sleep. Music in this time period was the only thing I had to allow …show more content…

It was produced by Frank Dukes. The song was created digitally using electronic instruments. The song contains many wind instruments which demonstrates the use of the South African culture. More Life has broken many records for the music industry. Drake has not produced any physical copies of the “playlist” yet, and through social media and technological applications, individuals have made the album very popular. Digital sales and streams for the album have been extremely high considering the availability of the album. During the first twenty-four-hour period that the “playlist” was published, over ninety-million users streamed the album through Apple Music.
Drake has changed over time, especially from 2013 to 2017. He has matured and realized that he cannot trust everyone he comes across. “Hold on We’re Going Home” represents Drake’s inner emotions as delicate towards a girl he has fallen for. “Madiba Riddim” represents Drake as numb towards his older friends and future relationships. Although Drake tries to insist that he has changed over time from a sensitive guy to a stone cold thug, he actually has not lost his true essence and remains an overly sensitive

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