
Dracula Untold By Count Orlok

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To understand how vampires were originally supposed to be, we must visit the first vampire. “Nosferatu” was one of the first ever vampire movies and set the standard for movies yet to come. The main character, Count Orlok casted by Max Schreck, played the role quite the opposite from the movies we see today. Count Orlok wasn’t the Edward Cullin kind of vampire that most people tend to think. He was a man that suffered from a dreaded curse; Schreck played the vampire more like an animal rather than a human being. In the plot of the movie, the opening scene we see The Count trying to purchase an isolated house in Transylvania. Once people realize that Count Orluck is actually a vampire, he starts a plague that causes many deaths in the town. …show more content…

Vampires seem to be the norm now whether it’s a scary Halloween movie or a romantic comedy; however, the new movie “Dracula Untold” makes the audience relate to the monster. The story begins with a young man named Vlad. Later in the movie, the audience finds out that the Turks are threatening Vlad’s kingdom, and he must find a way to stop them. The empire is forced to give out 1000 young boys in order to train them and fight them against the Turks. Vlad refuses to do that and must find some way to protect his family, protect the boys, and his entire kingdom. In desperation, he makes a visit to a vampire and asks if he can help him defeat the Turks. The vampire tells him there are consequences. The vampire offers him some of his blood, which will temporarily give the young prince the powers of a vampire. If Vlad resists the intense urge to drink human blood for three days, he will turn back into a human. Otherwise, he will remain a vampire forever. Vlad accepts the offer and drinks the vampire's blood. He then wakes up and discovers that he has heightened senses, increased strength, and the ability to transform into a flock of bats. He then kills the leader of the Turkish army and sends his son off with a trustworthy monk to keep him away from the vampires. After seeing this movie, the audience not only relates to the vampire, but also feels sorry for him. The reason “Dracula” came to be was because he put his family and kingdom before him, and it also seems like a human like thing to

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