
Dracula And Walt Whitman

Decent Essays

Thesis: Stoker’s gothic classic Dracula was a parallel to his life due to abusive environments, toxic relationships, and literary works in the surrounding area. Stoker’s childhood has caused many conspiracies surrounding the essence of his writing. He was a sick boy, bedridden for the first seven years of his life due to an unknown illness. He was, in a sense, paralyzed and unable to move from his bed with only his mother to entertain him with tales of ghosts, goblins, and demons, with help from the shadows playing on the wall. He later grew out of the illness, went to school and became a star athlete with no serious health problems. He published his first writing, a handbook, in 1879 around the age of forty-two, then gave us the literary classic Dracula in 1897. In many ways the man remained the child, always wanting- …show more content…

During Stoker’s trials with Irving, he had correspondence with another author, Walt Whitman. Bram looked up to Whitman as a father figure. A professor of English at Brigham Young University, Dennis R. Perry had written “In fact, Stoker once called Whitman in a letter a potential ‘father… to his soul’”. He had modeled Dracula after Whitman with his stature and white beard; even Dracula is seen as a father much like Whitman was, which validates the Oedipus complex in Stoker and the homoeroticism in the book. While his wife Florence is an un-ideal Victorian woman still having correspondence with her past suitor Oscar Wilde, much like Lucy. Wilde had written many letters to Florence and had even given letters to her friends to give to her. Wilde had written, “Dear Florence, as you expressed to me a wish to see me I thought that your mother’s house would be the only suitable place and that we should part where we first met”. The promiscuity between the two of them is strikingly similar to that of Lucy in the

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