
Essay on Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc.

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Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. 1. How would you characterize the energy beverage category, competitors, consumers, channels, and DPSG’s category participation in late 2007? § Five dominant competitors: Red Bull, Hansen Natural (Monster), Pepsi (Sobe Adrenaline Rush, AMP), Rockstar, and Coke (Tab, Full Throttle) § $6.2 billion industry in 2006 § Grew at a rate of 42.5% from 2001 to 2006, 10.2% from 2007-2011 Consumers limit their choices to only 1.4 different brands indicating brand loyalty § Red Bull, Hansen, Pepsi, Rockstar, and Coke accounted for 94% of dollar sales and unit sales § Heaviest users are males ages 12 to 34; 43 million total US energy beverage users § 153 million cases of energy beverages were sold during …show more content…

However, there is a large market for it and reputable brands like DPSGs’ with their bottling and distribution network which covers 80% of the US energy beverage market could gain a small share of the market. As the above quote eluded to, manufacturers with an extensive product offering and distribution network can gain shelf space in the off-premise retail channels. 3. What target consumer market should be chosen for a new energy beverage brand? § Seeing as the heaviest users of energy beverages are males between the ages of 12 and 34, DPSG should market their product toward this group. 4. What product should be introduced and how should it be positioned/differentiated? § DPSG’s new energy beverage or a different variety of their beverage could be geared towards females in an attempt to capture drinkers of Coca Cola’s Tab. In addition, males’ ages 35 to 54 consume energy beverages at a rate slightly lower than males under age 24. An energy beverage with similar stimulant effects as most energy drinks but has other health benefits (i.e. Vitamin Water, Odwalla, Naked) could also attract the abovementioned consumers. 5. Through what channel(s) should a new energy beverage brand be distributed? § DPSG’s new energy beverage should be distributed through off-premise retail channels. As the case points out, convenience stores and supermarkets made up approximately 90% of retail sales dollars should be our primary focus.

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