
Dr. Jonathan Swifts 'Modest Proposal'

Satisfactory Essays

Brittany Clair Smith
English 250: British Literary Tradition I
Restoration Paper
Instructor: Ashley Goulder
December 3, 2014 Traditional Irish Recipes Dr. Jonathan Swifts ‘Modest Proposal’ implies that he has a grand idea to help and empower the down trotted Irish people while they adjust to their English rulers. The main idea of his proposal was, “for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public (Norton 2473)." The idea sounds pleasant and innovating when depicted in such a manner. However, in the beginning, it is clear that Dr. Jonathan Swifts ‘Modest Proposal’ is in fact a cannibal’s cookbook for eating Irish children. The text conveys ways and recipes in order to reduce the population and raise the industry and economy of Ireland and its poor peasant mothers and rendering them [Irishmen] useful to society as a whole. When stated as such, the atrocious nature of the proposal is clear. …show more content…

The oppression of the Irish people attacks all aspects of their daily lives and ultimately leads to many of their painful and unnecessary deaths. The English rulers oppressed their religion, industrial, and economy. However, the misery of the Irish peasant arose not only from foreign oppression, but also from also conditions at home (Rodden, 2009). For the Irish family famine, crime, and health were all issues that help enable English control (Conley, 1995). This mixture of misfortune was the inspiration that Dr. Jonathan Swift fed on when he wrote his eye-opening text ‘Modest

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