
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Analysis

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The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shares many of the same ideas and characteristics with The Incredible Hulk comics and the same can be said about Two-Face from the Batman comics and Satan from Satan’s Fall. The main conflict of the novel The Strange of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde mainly focuses on the scientist Dr. Jekyll and his evil side known as Mr. Hyde who he transforms into. Jekyll has difficulty trying to resist from turning into Mr. Hyde who pressures Jekyll into transforming. The Incredible Hulk comics overall conflict is Bruce Banner trying to live alongside and contain the threat of the hulk. The four characters have many key characteristics they share. Jekyll and Banner are trying to get rid of their counterpart or control …show more content…

Mr. Hyde and the hulk also things in common both what take over their counterpart. The hulk and Hyde also do not like Banner and Jekyll as Hulk says in many of the comics “Hulk want to crush puny Banner” and the Dr. Jekyll and Hyde novel says “the hate of Hyde for Jekyll was on a different order” (pg.53). Hulk and Hyde also perform some of the same actions like when Jekyll turns into Hyde after drinking the potion that he created he begins killing causing crimes such as killing and Jekyll is unable to control himself or Hyde. The same can go for Banner’s transformation into the hulk he goes on a rampage destroying many things in the way Banner also is not able to control himself or the hulk. The destructive nature and evil personality of hulk and Hyde is the reason why Jekyll and Banner dislike them. Jekyll cannot decide whether to get rid of Hyde or not and Banner just wants to be left alone and never turn into the hulk or get rid of the hulk. However Banner and Jekyll have very different ways of dealing with their problem. Jekyll felt like he could not control Hyde and in the end Jekyll’s life ended due to him not being able to control …show more content…

The first thing in common is that both Satan and Harvey Dent were once not evil. Satan’s reason for turning evil is that he wanted to dethrone god and take over heaven. Harvey Dent turned evil when he was hit with acid in the face which scarred him very badly on one side of his face. This crippled Dent’s sanity and soon after he turned evil due to being vengeful and low sanity turning him into two-face. Satan and two-face share the hatred for their enemies which are Batman and God. Satan’s growing hate for god is due to him being banished from heaven and thrown into hell with the Satan’s fall text stating “and study of revenge, immortal hate”(pg.93 Satan’s fall text). Two-Face didn’t always dislike Batman in fact he was one of Batman’s greatest allies and seen as Gotham’s white knight but two-face began hating Batman for constantly interfering with his plans. Two-Face constantly says in the Batman comics “I will kill and unmask the little bat”. Satan and two-face have tried to take down their enemies more than once and both were unsuccessful. Satan however stops trying to take over heaven and says “can make a heaven of hell a hell of heaven”(pg.99 Satan’s fall text). Two-Face is different as he tries constantly to take down Batman and always ends up failing and his strong hate for Batman is what forces him to keep trying to beat Batman. Satan and two-face both have different ways

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