
Dr Champion Biography

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Dr. Champion Dr. Champion a well-known biologist in the city of Memphis. He is also known as a pharmacist. Dr. Champion also contributed to the Black History Month. Dr. Charles Champion was known to be a herbal pharmacist, and also a compounding pharmacist. He is known to be one of the first successful African American Pharmacist in the Civil Rights Era, he is known to have one of the most lowest priced high productive products, and he is also very known for some of his successful past works in the medical pharmaceutical field. Dr. Champion is a top notch drug specialist with a careful comprehension of drug store. In any case, following 33 years in business – an aggregate of about 60 years in drug store out and out – changes in the pharmaceutical …show more content…

In any case, Dr. Champion is not be dissuaded, owing life span to his resourcefulness, innovativeness, versatility, and, in particular, his readiness to serve the group. Administration is the trademark that keeps Champion's Pharmacy prospering, despite the fact that financial downturns and the rising tide of chain drug stores have cleared free drug stores like Dr. Champion's to the wayside and, at times, bankrupt. An alum of Xavier University College of Pharmacy in New Orleans, La., Dr. Champion put in two years in Germany as a drug specialist for the United States Army before coming back to work in the drug store at John Gaston Hospital, where he put in 12 years. He then acted as a drug specialist at a chain drugstore for an extra 12 years before opening his own drug store in …show more content…

Charles A. Champion, a scriptural apothecarian, has more than 60 years involvement in Dermatological Compounding and an extensive choice of Natural Vitamins, Herbs, Homeopathics, Teas, Skin Products, Hormone Replacement, Holy Water and other social insurance things. Search for elusive items, for example, Zinc Acne and Beauty Soap Bar, Denver Mud Drawing Salve, Mutton Tallow, Bag Balm Ointment, Tonsiline, Father John's Cough Medicine, Camphor Gum Blocks, SSS Tonic, Asafétida Gum, Camphor Oil, and Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. Champion's Pharmacy and Herb Store offers home grown vitamins, recuperating herbs, normal cures, home cures, root, leaves, teas, cosmeticeutics, nutraceuticals, home grown supplements and a great deal more. All of these products that he made, made him known as one of first successful African American pharmacist, to create products like this, in the civil rights

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