
Doubt: The Inevitability Of Certainty In Science Fiction

Decent Essays

Our world is continuously wrought with the idea that certainty can consent one to attain all of one’s needs, dreams, and fortunes. But this ever- present knowledge is utterly deceptive. One cannot rely on certainty because nothing is truly certain. Everything that we embrace to be true hasn’t been proven wrong, but who is to say that it couldn’t be? There’s no pre-determined power that states if one is so completely transfixed and certain, they will be able to overcome all that believes otherwise. Doubt, in many ways, can be an ease. Doubt is what allows us to question and challenge those inevitabilities. Deprived of doubt, our civilization would be merely an impenetrable reality in which creativity and cleverness would be disregarded. Certainty is a security blanket that conceals the possible truths underneath. …show more content…

One of the most glaring of these being distribution of men into space, and from space, landing on the moon. This was thought to be absolute nonsense just a plain 20 or so years before it happened. Science fiction appeared to be becoming authenticity. Although science fiction too many seemed to have no foundation of truth, there are more and more networks being made between preposterous or ludacris thoughts then, but undeniable realities now. One of the most important mechanisms of doubt is trial and error. One cannot be assured something will be logical or work if one has not verified this concept, whether by research or refutation. For example, if Thomas Edison was completely confident he had formed a means to harness electricity and produce light, but not tested it over 50 times, his certainty would be invalid. However, his influx of doubt, and therefore his will to augment and altered based upon that doubt, enabled him to produce what could debatably the most vital scientific discovery of our

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