
Double Standards

Decent Essays

While applying to universities you will notice that college is very costly if you don’t have any scholarships and have to pay for it on your own. There is financial assistance available to those qualifying applicants. Unfortunately, If you are a male ages 18 through 25 you have to register with the Selective Service (Draft Board) if you decide to utilize federal student aid. If you are a female you don’t have to do register with the Selective Services and this is a perfect example of double standards in our society. In my opinion this is very sexist and unfair to men who would like to apply for the federal grants without being obligated to register. It is in my opinion any individual male or female should be held to the same standard.
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If anything it should be an option, but not an obligation. There are several ways to look at this situation. Some women may think that they are implying they aren’t strong enough or don’t have what it takes to go into the draft. Where some may be content with not having to be on-call if there were to be a war.
In the past women couldn’t fight in wars or even be in the military if they wanted too. We have several women’s rights movement to fight for equality. Women just recently were able to participate in combat. Everyone should be presented with the same opportunities if they all have the same qualifications that’s with employment, pay rates, and education. Men shouldn’t have to go through any more, and women shouldn’t be expected of any less than the other when everyone has the same credentials and met the qualifications.
There are so many things that people focus on, and the one overlooked the most is the discrimination of gender roles. Women have to work harder to be treated the same as a man. Men have to hold and maintain the standard for the women to try to reach. Instead of everyone being looked at the same, and also having the same accountability. Both sexes have to struggle on receiving the same treatment. Women and men should be equally treated and held to the same

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