While applying to universities you will notice that college is very costly if you don’t have any scholarships and have to pay for it on your own. There is financial assistance available to those qualifying applicants. Unfortunately, If you are a male ages 18 through 25 you have to register with the Selective Service (Draft Board) if you decide to utilize federal student aid. If you are a female you don’t have to do register with the Selective Services and this is a perfect example of double standards in our society. In my opinion this is very sexist and unfair to men who would like to apply for the federal grants without being obligated to register. It is in my opinion any individual male or female should be held to the same standard.
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If anything it should be an option, but not an obligation. There are several ways to look at this situation. Some women may think that they are implying they aren’t strong enough or don’t have what it takes to go into the draft. Where some may be content with not having to be on-call if there were to be a war.
In the past women couldn’t fight in wars or even be in the military if they wanted too. We have several women’s rights movement to fight for equality. Women just recently were able to participate in combat. Everyone should be presented with the same opportunities if they all have the same qualifications that’s with employment, pay rates, and education. Men shouldn’t have to go through any more, and women shouldn’t be expected of any less than the other when everyone has the same credentials and met the qualifications.
There are so many things that people focus on, and the one overlooked the most is the discrimination of gender roles. Women have to work harder to be treated the same as a man. Men have to hold and maintain the standard for the women to try to reach. Instead of everyone being looked at the same, and also having the same accountability. Both sexes have to struggle on receiving the same treatment. Women and men should be equally treated and held to the same
Women should be required to sign up for the draft. The main reason why we weren't required to sign up is that we were deemed the caretakers and needed to stay home and take care of the kids. The issue with this is because there are families where there is only one dad or two dads where all/both dads are required to sign up and -worst case scenario- then the kids would be left alone. There are also women who are twice as qualified to be in the army as some men and just because you're a man it doesn't mean you're fit to be in the
Now a big point that is brought up about woman having to sign up for the selective service (the draft) is that woman are needed to make baby’s, which
Let us face the facts, it is this the 21st century, women should be required to sign up for the draft. Women are aloud to enlist in the military, and into any branch, so women should also have the civic duty to enlist. In the later generations of the world, women have never been thought of as equal citizens, but in the 21st century that has changed. The world should accommodate to the change also. To match up to how the country has transformed the government should also look into rewording the constitution, but for now a change in the draft would do. The extensive worry is who will raise our next generation, and will there even be a next generation if all the youngest our out fighting? Back to my first argument, draftees would be given a choice, and I think if women joined the military draft, we would have several other opportunities arise in the future
In a time of war, you need all hands-on deck and by not allowing women to be subject to draft you are cutting the numbers in half. Now I am not saying rip every mother from her child and put them on the front lines however there are plenty of jobs in the forces that women are capable of doing if the time came. Truck drivers, medics, technicians and many more positions are suitable for women that do not involve putting them all in the center of the battle. We are one of the few countries that do not draft women because of
If women do in fact wish to be equal to men, women need to be equal to men in every way possible. Women can not fight for only the rights they wish to be equal to. That being said, women will also have to endure some of the negative things that men have mostly been enduring. The Selective Service is a prime example in this. Not all men wish to ship off, and leave everything they know, to serve their country. And although this is a noble act, it is not the lifestyle that everyone chooses.
A fellow student I interviewed said it would be great to allow women to be even more equal to men. She said that women are not only capable of taking care of a family and upholding a job but also are able to fight for freedom if given the chance. She also said that we need laws that would allow women that have had a baby or is going to have one in the next couple months cannot be forced into the draft. I interview one of my family members and they were highly against it not because they think women are not able to fight but because he thinks it would be protecting the women. I asked why he thought this and he said all I have to do is look around at the women in my gym class they can’t even keep up with the normal man.
Women have been downgraded and mistreated because of their gender. From birth, Women and Men grew up with very different rules to follow. Men were raised to be the head of the house and do work for a living. Growing up as little girls, women were taught to raise their kids and make food for their families. “Strong family structures were necessary because the family was the basis for all other institutions. The government, church, and community all worked through the nuclear family unit.”(“Gender and
Men and women deserve to have the same chance when applying for colleges. There are many woman who have protested to have equal rights, they felt like they were not being treated fairly, which is in part true. A lot of people think that woman should stay home and clean the house, or take care of the children, while the man is out working. Yes it is the man 's job to provide for his family, but women should be able to go to work if they want to. Women should also have the same equality when applying for colleges. There is a great need for men and women in the world, for example there is a great need for teacher in certain places in the world, so many children, and adults need to be taught. There is equal opportunity for both men and women in teaching. There is also an equal opportunity for men and women in medicine, and many other careers, there is no
As a consequence of gender discrimination, women as human beings aren 't getting the same respect as men instead they were seen as commodities. Consequently, living with gender expectation causes harm to either one of the gender.
Should women have to register for draft at 18? That is a tough question to answer because I’m for it and against it at the same time. I know for a fact that it is a law for men to register for draft when they turn 18. When a man does not sign up for draft they can be fined or punished for not doing so. First of all, in today’s world every woman is pushing for equality.
Voltaire once said, “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” This quote explains how there are double standards in society. For example, people condemn murders, yet still go to war with other countries. There are a lot of double standards in society regarding women, men, and wealth. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s seminal novel The Scarlet Letter proves that society has double standards. These double standards are evident through Mistress Hibbons social rank, Hester’s place in society, and the town's reaction to Dimmesdale’s sin. One of the best examples of a double standard, is a person with a higher social rank is able to avoid the consequences of their sins.
It is worthwhile to reflect on the social and political advancements of women during the past one hundred years. Women now have the right to vote and to own property. They let their voices be heard instead of sitting silently in the kitchen. Women hold jobs previously restricted to men - police officer, firefighter, construction worker, doctor, truck driver and scientist. Obviously, this list is not all inclusive. Unfortunately, there is still one area that remains restricted to women. Women have assisted the military forces as far back as the Revolutionary War and yet there remains positions that women are excluded from. Female military personnel, having proven their ability to handle combat situations and having
A draft is compulsory recruitment for military service. The draft was meant for young men only but, since women want the same right as men, the questions is should they register for draft? In my own opinion, I don’t think women should register for the draft. They shouldn’t because, they have to take care of the kids, they are not as strong as men physically and the enemy will target them the most.
Women of our time are beginning to break into this male dominated news industry. A recent survey from Ball State University showed that 99% of all broadcast newsrooms have female employees and that now women make up more than 40% of the total broadcast workforce (Papper, 2005). That same survey unfortunately showed that only 10% of local sports reporters are women and that 7% of local sports anchors are women (Sheffer, 2007). These numbers show that women are breaking into the broadcasting industry, but not necessarily into the sports industry. Sports and sports broadcasting has typically been created by men, about men, and reported by men. Tuggle’s (1997) analysis of the effect of sportcaster gender on the proportion of
n Pride & Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, and The Importance of Being Earnest, written by Oscar Wilde, hypocrisy, lies, and double standards during the Victorian Era are common themes that expose the characters’ sheer ridiculousness and highlight issues within this community. Double standards and hypocrisy are evident in many instances such as with the role of men and women within this particular society, fake and real identities, deceit that was common in the Victorian era, and the characters’ [absurd] morals. Within both texts along with additional sources, the authors used multiple literary devices to depict the hypocrisy of this society and mock the characters’ actions and decisions. According to writer Priscilla Gilman’s “"Disarming reproof": pride and prejudice and the power of criticism.”