
Doris Mccarthy The Fire

Decent Essays

"You have to carry the fire.
I don't know how to.
Yes you do.
Is it real? The fire?
Yes it is.
Where is it? I dont know where it is.
Yes you do. It’s inside you. It was always there. I can see it." (McCarthy 278) "The fire" can be looked upon as a symbol of destruction and despair, because of how fires have ravished the landscape and destroyed everything in its path. The man and the boy are perpetually surrounded by ash and burnt things: houses, trees, and even bodies of the people who couldn’t escape in time. However, the fire can also symbolize something good, as in the context of "carrying the fire". In that context, the fire also symbolizes the hope of a better world and also the goodness left in humanity. Society has collapsed and people …show more content…

On their journey, the impending winter weather is always a concern and the man does his best to try and keep his son as warm as possible. However, being outside in those elements for months at a time, does take a toll on the body and as the boy mentions on more than one occasion how cold he is. McCarthy uses descriptive and detailed imagery from the very beginning to describe to the reader what the temperatures are really like; "It is cold enough to crack stones, and when the snow falls it is gray."(McCarthy). The man does his very best to make sure his son is warm, but seems to forget about himself and is constantly giving his son his blankets and coats; which is probably why he was coughing and hacking for the entirety of the book, up until his inevitable death at the end. "The falling snow curtained them about. There was no way to see anything at either side of the road. He was coughing again and the boy was shivering, the two of them side by side under the sheet of plastic, pushing the grocery cart through the snow. Finally he stopped. The boy was shaking uncontrollably." (McCarthy 94). Even when the man and boy arrived at the coast, it was still rainy and cold so that leads me to believe that they didn’t make it as far south as the man had said that they

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