
Dopamine Reward Pathway Among Obese Individuals And Drug Addicts

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Imagine looking at two individuals, one is obese and the other is average weight but exhibiting obvious venous drug injection punctures in his/her arm. Which most one of the two would you say is “unhealthy”? While many people would probably consider the obese person as somewhat okay, in contrast they would probably argue that the drug addict is in much needed immediate help. According to our societal acceptances, obesity is welcomed as opposed to drug use behaviors. Therefore in this paper, I will focus my discussion on the comparison of the dopamine reward pathway amongst obese individuals and drug addicts, as well as the controversial arguments whether or not obesity should be considered a disease.

Obesity and drug use both have risk factors that could lead to fatal consequences. According to a study by Volkow et al, (2012) both drug addiction and obesity can be defined as disorders in consistence with the fact that both drugs and food have powerful reinforcing effects by dopamine in the limbic system. Additionally, Volkow’s research uncovered discoveries through brain imaging that common features between drug addiction and obesity are defined with similar brain circuits. The results suggest that both obese and drug addicted individuals suffer from impairments in dopamine pathways, which regulate neuronal systems associated not only with reward sensitivity and incentive motivation, but also with conditioning (memory/learning), impulse control (behavioral inhibition), and

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