
Donald Trump Persuasive Speeches

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(WENY) - Now as President Donald Trump has officially taken on the role as the leader of the free world, all eyes will be on what he does next. While unconventional on the campaign trail, Donald Trump stuck to tradition Friday while being sworn in as the 45th president. However the big question remains, what will happen once he's in the White House? During his inauguration he said "Washington flourished - but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered - but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation's Capital, there was …show more content…

Jim Twombly, reacted to President Trumps speech saying " it was among the feisty inaugural addresses I've witnessed. I mean he dissed the administrations of all the ex presidents sitting there. Including the one he just replaced." Despite President Trump's insults on past administrations, Dr. Twombly says, Trump's speech was the most presidential thing he's seen him do yet. But that begs the question, what will his first one hundred days in office look like? "If he keeps tweeting at all hours of the night or goes on an extended thank you tour and is insulting members of congress he needs to work with, it might me a bit longer and he might not be a successful as he hopes," says Twombly. Dr. Twombly believes Presidents Trump's first agenda items will include getting his cabinet nominees in place, working to simultaneously repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and his proposal to build a wall with Mexico. "He says we'll front the money for the wall and then we'll get reimbursed for mexico. He's beginning to see that governing in Washington is perhaps not as easy as he thought it would be. This isn't a business where he can just say you're fired. He actually has to wheel and deal. He says he's a deal maker but these guys in Washington have egos too," says

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