
Domestic Violence Research Paper

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Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my opinions in this story. I know how busy you are, every day and I appreciate it.
In a relationship there are always two sides to a story of domestic violence. Domestic violence includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, and emotional abuse. It is when you are in a relationship with someone who says they love you yet they still mistreat you. I think domestic violence is highly uncalled for. When people talk about domestic violence they think or talk about the male physically and mentally abusing the female, but in many cases it's the other way around. Sometimes it’s the female mistreating the male in the relationship. People don’t think of it like that because men …show more content…

Most people don’t pay attention to it because in public, they may act differently, like they are in a happy and perfect relationship. But when they get somewhere where no one else is around that’s when it happens, that's when they show who they really are. I am very against domestic violence, because if you say that you love your partner yet you hurt them to me that’s not love. That to me is not a way you would usually show affection for the person you “love”. You are not capable or caring or saying you love someone if you aren’t actually doing so. It’s not always easy to determine in the early stages of a relationship if someone will become abusive. Domestic violence intensifies over a period of time. Abusers may often seem wonderful initially, but gradually become more aggressive and controlling as the relationship continues after some time. Some people are too afraid to tell their partner to stop or to leave them because they love them and think they will change, but they won’t. And when you do tell them, and they say they will stop there is a great chance that they will not. I’m sure a lot of people are against domestic violence, I think everyone should. How would you like it if someone you love says that you mean the world to them yet when they get angry at you or with something or someone else they hurt you physically. So I think domestic violence should be stopped, it doesn’t seem easy to, yet it doesn’t hurt to

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