
Domestic Violence Interview Paper

Decent Essays

I have interviewed Graham Barnes. Graham has been working with BWJP since 2005 as Technical support but before that He worked many years in the field of domestic violence globally. He is passion about educating men who are either the offender or victim. The agency is non-private organization fund by government to improve responding to violence against women. Most participants are male who involved domestic violence. The agency doesn’t have shelter but collaborates with criminal justice, police, judges, prosecutors and social workers. The agency address issues of violence through teaching, education and justice process. The agency use theory of Power initattlemnet: which deals how men view themselves and what perception do they have about women. He said most men believe that they are superior to women and that create problem. So men …show more content…

He asked me how Somali deal with is issues and I told him that we are making some progress but we need long way to go in terms of eliminate violence against women and girls. I enjoyed interviewing Him. He was very open mind and optimistic about the issues. He told me that education is only way to cure the disease, he discusses with me when he was in New Zealand he used to teach men who involved domestic violence. He used to asked man after they finshed class how they feel about themselves. And most of them mentioned that what have done was wrong and eduction helped them. So he advised me to give space to those who act violence they will see themselves through thinking and reflection. He said at the end of the day we need to help so they can help himself and is knowledgeable about who they are and who want be. Great conversation, I even forget to ask him many question that I prepared to ask him. I learned a patient from him he has been advocate for victims and hopeful the offenders change. I also learned the power of education and it plays a role to reduce domestic

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