
Domestic Terrorism Research Paper

Decent Essays

Is America doing enough to address “domestic” terrorism? The American people are misunderstood or what domestic terrorism consist of, because the government at times has times identifying what acts of crimes might considered domestic terrorism. If we want to understand the threats we face, we have to identify what the problem is. The problem is that there’s a racial and ideological dimension to what gets labeled terrorism and what doesn’t. It gets subjected to political and rhetorical manipulation. People need to understand that it doesn’t matter what your religion or your background is. There’s terrorism in all forms (). We don’t really have a good understanding of what terrorism is," Gerstein says, noting that Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter, killed 32 people, “but we’re not really calling him a terrorist – we’re calling him something else. But the Fort Hood shooter – he killed 13 people, yet we called him a domestic terrorist. People need to understand that it doesn’t matter what your religion or your background is.

The government is spending so much resource on the War on Terror, consequently we aren’t really showing what we are spending our money on. TSA is a perfect example the America abundance of resources spent to address …show more content…

The Federal Bureau of Investigation Domestic•(FBI) categorizes terrorism in the U.S. as one of two types: Terrorism – is terrorist activities that focus on facilities or populations without foreign direction. International Terrorism – is terrorist activities that are foreign‐based and/or sponsored by organizations or groups outside the U.S (). International terrorism poses the greatest threat to our national security. Global trends indicate that the growing number of terrorist groups will become more networked and even harder to identify and

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