
Domestic Abuse Case Study

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As hypothesised, domestic abuse was indeed a prevalent and common factor amongst the participant’s case studies. Results indicated that 60% of the participants reported domestic abuse, either in the form of verbal abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse. Individuals who are exposed to domestic violence are significantly more likely to exhibit psychological, behavioural and emotional problems. Children who have experienced domestic violence from a young age are more likely to struggle to develop positive interpersonal relationships with peers and those around them (Mustillo, Dorsey, Conover, & Burns, 2011). These findings were consistent with those of Gould et al. (2012) whose results suggest that there is a casual link between domestic violence …show more content…

Due to a turbulent and dangerous family environment some of the participants were exposed to illicit substances from an early age. This early exposure to drugs led these individual to start using and essentially drugs and alcohol became a way to escape the troubles at home. A study conducted by Mcvicar, Moschion, and Van Ours (2015) found that substance uses are more likely to be homeless and homeless individuals are more likely to be substance users. Essentially individuals may find that they become homeless due to their drug habit and individuals who have become homeless due to fleeing from abuse or simply do not have the means to maintain a home are more likely to turn to substance use. The implications of these results are that homelessness is an increased possibility when domestic abuse and substance use are present in the life of an individual. In the 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 15.6% of Australians after the age of 14 specified that they were recent substance users, the trends found these case studies indicate that substance use is another common factor that impacts on homelessness, essentially the 15.6% of the population are at an increased risk of becoming

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