
Domainer Elite Case Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Who Should Buy Domainer Elite?

Well, if you're interested in and/or looking to gain some expert insight into the world of domain flipping, then I think this Domainer Elite course may be a good fit for you. However, if you're looking to just build a sustainable, semi-passing online business, then you'll probably want to consider other resources that may be a better fit.

Customer Support

Honestly, I haven't yet needed to contact customer support, so I can't give you an honest critique on this aspect of Jamie's creation. However, he does give his email address out to those who purchased the product so I'm hoping that means he will be responsive to any questions and/or concerns he may receive regarding this product.


The price of the Domainer Elite course itself is a one-time payment of $24.95. You are also …show more content…

At this point, if you made it this far and you're like me, you're probably wondering just how sustainable and passive domain flipping really is.'s not. It requires constant vigilance of the latest domains coming available and also calls for a good amount of luck. If you're trying to build an online business you can count on I believe there are much better, more predictable, tried and true methods of doing so.

In fact, that's what I have done here with If you'd like to know my full story you can check it out here...but basically, I was trying to answer the same question you were when you came across this review: "How can I make in income online?". While looking for an answer I came across an online training resources and community called Wealthy Affiliate University.

After doing my due diligence and researching it like crazy, I decided it was legit and jumped right in. Little did I know that I would learn everything I need to know about creating a sustainable, profitable, online business! If this is what you're looking for, I would highly encourage you to check it out and see what you

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