
Doing History Summary

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In the opening chapters of both Doing History (2013), by Michael J. Galgano, J. Chris Arndt, and Raymond M. Hyser, and The Methods and Skills of History (2015), by Conal Furay and Michael J. Salevouris, the authors broadly discuss what history is, as well as the kinds and uses of historical knowledge. Doing History focuses closely on the definition of history and the variety of approaches to studying and using historical facts. Chapter One of The Methods and Skills of History emphasizes upon the importance of history in society, while Chapter Two is centered on the nature of history and the task of the historian. According to Doing History, the study of history as a whole is an interpretation of past events based on reliable evidence. However, there can be misuse of historical facts, such as dependence on popular memory, or, how …show more content…

Current events have a basis in historical fact and the practice of analyzing and acting upon past experiences is all considered thinking historically. Without history, human society would have no identity or base. Chapter Two begins by expressing what Doing History has already stated on the definition of history. However, Methods and Skills delves further into the nature of history by explain that a historian can shed light on an event in history, but nobody can actually show exactly how things took place during that event. All of history is naturally subject to the historian’s point of view and interpretations, therefore, the absolute fullest and truest version of history is essentially unattainable. However, this fact does not negate the importance of studying and understanding history, because historical fact is grounded in reliable, factual evidence from the event. Consequently, historians must always be asking questions and looking for the best possible answers for the ever-evolving dialogue of

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