
Dog In The Nighttime Conflict

Decent Essays

Christopher is an extremely intriguing character between the way he thinks and the way he copes with adversity in his life. On page 131 Christopher makes a chart in his head while trying to make a decision on weather or not he should leave to London or if he should stay with his dad in Swindon. This is a unique way to handle your options but throughout the book, this is his norm.

The out of the ordinary thinking style of Christopher's, with using puzzle, math problems, and imaginary maps all quickly become symbols of logic and security Christopher. Thorough the story Christopher will solve intense math problems, like the quadratic formula, or he will start cubing numbers for as long as he can. He does this because it will calm his mind and make him feel safe. Many times when Christopher is lost he will create a mental image in his head of a map. On page 160 he did just that. When he was trying to find the train station he created a map of the town using all the information that he knew. When he was in London, kept taking rights until he made an entire mental map and then went …show more content…

It starts off as Chris just trying to solve the mystery of who killed Wellington. But, as the story progresses we find out who killed the dog and we start learning about the real conflict. The real problem lies in the relationship between Christopher and his parents. On page 120 Chris father admits to killing wellington, and that’s starts to unravel the real plot. This creates many bumbs in the road as chris doesn’t know what to do. Around the same time, chris does some investigating. On page 104 chris finds letters from his mom that were written to him, but he never recived them. They explain why his mom left. These letters subtly explain that she couldn’t handle all of his needs. She also writes about how she ran off with Mr. Shears because she was better with him than Christopher's

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