
Does Racism Still Exist Research Paper

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The cause to which racism still exists is easy but yet complicated at the same time; human nature, mass media and lack of awareness as an individual is why peace and brotherhood has yet been accomplished. Racism is a phrase created by influence of scientist and every day people with prejudgment views. Am positive over years 3000 years ago no one cared about ethnic group. Just look back in history people from the same race fought each other enslaved each other Like the Romans who were white people conquered other white people and called them barbarians But nowadays everyone in this world is labeled even though we all put up with the same thing that plagues the world. And we will all go to the same place when we die. The only difference is hair …show more content…

How Racism even develop in people life? You can be taught a lot by looking back into the past and seeing what people have tried to change with racism. I think racism is one of the major strong issues today. Yes people have tried to turn it around but it still in effect nowadays. Have you ever thought about all the people who died over racism nowadays least 20 a week it seem like it? We can change it by how we teaching our kids about racism. Nobody is born to hate another person because of the color of their skin, or their background, or their religion. People learn to hate and if they can learn to hate. They can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart. To hate someone you have to be thought to hate. If there was more love. There would be less hate against each other. Most people are not aware of how racism is still inside the school system and elsewhere social lives are accruing. With some folk’s nationality, people seem to speak of them kind of people. When someone is different from their opposite color of your skin and they talk about you. That could mean they’re racist. Lack of prior knowledge of where the individual come from or their cultural background can cause issues immediately. Today, schools need to teach more about ethnic groups and different racial. They are no real discussion on racism, which that is why these incidents occur today. That lack of awareness to the topic because people do become less caring about other groups. While becoming less tolerable towards others racism prospers. People do not just look at someone and say “oh it’s just another human” they immediately form conclusions based on their skin color and even what they are

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