
Does Polonius Kill His Father Essay

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Does Polonius get what was coming to him?
In the beginning of Hamlet, Polonius, who is the father of Hamlet’s girlfriend Ophelia, is caught spying on Hamlet. I don’t think he approves of their relationship. Later on in the book Polonius joins up with Claudius to spy on Hamlet and devises the bright idea to hind behind some curtains. While hiding behind the curtain, he overhears Hamlet and Gertrude fighting and Gertrude crying for help, so he jumps out and tries to be heroic but overall does absolutely nothing to help Gertrude. However the idea that someone is hiding behind the curtain does frighten Hamlet. Hamlet thinking that Polonius is an intrude,r stabs him, and it serves Polonius right for being a nosy creep! Polonius sort of dies corny death though, who screams out “oh I am slain” as they’re dying? Anyway, I think it kind of screws up Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia seeing that he killed her father and all. Eventually Ophelia goes crazy and kills herself, but honestly her father had it coming.

Does hamlet have it in for his mother? …show more content…

Hamlet is very open about the fact he thinks his mom is a sinning whore for marrying his uncle and wont rest until Claudius is dead. Before Hamlet goes to confront his mother the ghost shows up. Hamlet and the ghost talk and the ghost reminds Hamlet to get revenge on Claudius and basically tells Hamlet that his mother thinks he’s crazy and its kind true, after all her son is talking to her dead husband. After that Hamlet tries to make Gertrude realize her remarriage was a horrible idea and he even threatens her. I didn’t think Hamlet had it in him to be this shady, but he definitely secretly has it out for his mama, some things are just

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