
Does One Classify Right Or Wrong?

Satisfactory Essays

We spend a lifetime making choices that lead into alternative results.
These choices are called ''Right and/or Wrong.''
How does one classify right or wrong.
Some people would classify it as, Right meaning when your correct, wrong being something bad. well as my own indiviual person with my own thoughts i dont believe in right or wrong. sounds crazy right? i know. but let me explain why. what might be right to me, may be wrong to you. whats wrong to me, may be right to you. nothing is exactly a ''right'' or ''wrong'' choice. due to us as humans doing what we feel like provides us with a better outcome in the end.

Now lets talk about the word ''Forgive'' i dont believe that exist's either.
The word ''Forgive'' is a word humans made up as a …show more content…

forgiveness is just a word that carries no value. its used to make one feel better about themself. just imagine commiting a crime, and then just thinking if you ask for ''forgiveness'' it makes everything okay & makes the crime seem innocent. crazy right?

Now lets talk about our god. i wont say that i dont believe in him, but question the existence. lets establish this, is anyone really a child of god? wouldnt a child of god have to never commit a sin? as humans we commit sins without really even knowing. so how is anyone pure? how is anyone holy?
More importantly we let religion in general seperate us from what potential we could have. we obey & rely on rules that people made over 100+ years ago and pretty much let it run our lives like telling us what we should eat, how we should live, how we should see things. Religion cuts the ability for people to be they own indiviual thinker. because theyre to busy thinking how they ''God'' wants them to think. even if so, specifically god, what god would let a world like this exist. why would he create sick people and no cure. people suffer mentally and physically everyday. all in the creation of …show more content…

a land where the most scum goes and burns forever. but wouldnt that be all of us? i mean if we dont live by god standards wouldnt that mean we are just as bad as the next person?
'oh but they did something ''worse'' . it wouldnt matter a sin is a sin and would deny your access to heaven. therefore making Heaven and hell questionable in every way.

Now lets tak about earth.
Earth is a amazing creation inside and out, theres always something new to be found. but who's choice was it to make some areas of it dangerous or unfit to even live in. earth filled with everything a person can think of. a beautiful piece of art, even from the dark side. but yet we destroy it. people want to live happily and comfortably but yet, we ruin the place we was given to make history. we take rights away from other, we take resources and make shit we dont even need.
Therefore making earth crush inside and out in the process and theres no one to blame but us. we will be the reason earth has lost everything beautiful and divine.

overall. like you. im my own person. we all think differently you may not understand what i wrote because youre a different person and dont see things how i do. and thats okay. its apart of being human and thinking differently means you're

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