
Do Nurses Prefer For A Clinical Setting?

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Do nurses prefer nursing bedside handover in a clinical setting? INTRODUCTION Nursing bedside handover is as an important part in the transferring of nursing responsibilities of clinical care for all patients from one nurse to another nurse at the end of the shift (Chin, Warren, Kornman & Cameron, 2012). Nursing handover is significant in maintaining the continuity of patient care for better health outcomes. If the information provided to another person is poorly conveyed may lead to major issues such as communication barrier, patient’s privacy, and confidentiality at the bedside (Anderson, Malone, Shanahan & Manning, 2014). BACKGROUND Nurses are responsible for continuing patients’ care and improving their health outcomes. Before the shift ends, nurses do bedside handover to reduce fragmentation of care and enhance continuity (Kilborn, 2014). Effective communication plays an important role in transferring of patient information between nurses. The two studies (Manias & Watson, 2014; Köberich, 2014) showed that communication problem between nurses and patient leads to the disorganised patient report, interruptions, lack of patient health information, language problem and confusion between the roles of the healthcare team (Manias & Watson, 2014; Köberich, 2014). Bradley and Mott (2014) and Kerr, McKay, Klim, Kelly & McCann (2013) stated that involving patients in decision-making is important part bedside handover as they can make decisions related to their treatment

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