
Do Games Like 'Grand Theft Auto V' Cause Real World

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Dylan klebold, Eric Harris, James Holmes, and Adam Lanza. What do all of these men have in common. To start, they all committed mass shootings killing or injuring from 20 to 84 people. According to Eric Kain in the article “Do Games Like 'Grand Theft Auto V' Cause Real-World Violence?” they all were described as being addicted to video games. Over the years we have all heard from one person to another about videogames being harmful, but are they right? Today video games are as bloody and violent as ever and their violence may be fueling the urges of crimes in the real world. Violent video games can cause harm in the real world and to the people who play them. From suggesting that violence is acceptable, causing aggressiveness in players, and being above all harmful to those with mental illnesses. Violent games as certainly causing a great deal more harm than good.

to begin, violence in video games are at an all time high. The acts and crimes you can commit range from, murder, rape, and assault. This demonstrates,especially to children and teens, that violence is okay and you commit all these horrible crimes with no consequences. In the article …show more content…

Games are even helping scientists solve real world problems. According to the article “ how online gamers are solving science's biggest problems” we discover that “ an online puzzle game about protein folding resolved the structure of an enzyme that caused an AIDS like disease”. This problem couldn't be solved by scientists in the past 13 years, but only took gamers 3 weeks. The the problem solving and strategic thinking involved in some games can be reused as skills in the real world. This article goes on to show finding data patterns like the game candy crush or a game called efe RNA to make shapes and understand genes. Games like these can teach and educate in some cases, but exclude the unneeded violence. Games can be fun and beneficial without the

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