
Divorce: Healthy Communication Between Parents And Children

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In modern time, divorce is something that is gradually becoming more popular throughout America’s society. Healthy marriages are not only beneficial for a married couple but also for the children as growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems (“Marriage and divorce”). There are numerous findings that point to the negative effects that divorce can have on a child’s life. Divorce has been shown to cause emotional and psychological strain for a young person. Specifically, children often experience heightened feelings of abandonment and isolation after a parental separation. Another aspect of divorce that has been shown to impact adolescents is a decline in schoolwork. Children also experience …show more content…

In research for her book, Valerie DeLoach, gathered data from numerous separated parents about the most common conflicts in co-parenting. In an online article, DeLoach states, “It seems the number one topic that is brought up is communication. Not just communication between the parents, but communication with the kids. It has been proven that kids need their parents to remain involved. Good communication regarding the kids should be of the highest priority, but even more important is encouraging the relationship between your kids and the other parent.” In an interview with Robert Hughes, an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science at Ohio State University, he explains the importance of mothers and fathers in a child’s life. Parents provide emotional support and practical assistance, as well as serve as role models for their children. Hughes describes the many factors that influence how well a child copes with divorce such as age and gender. He also points to two important factors: the amount of conflict between parents and the support available from friends and family (Patten). Parents can help adolescents make adjustments and deal with divorce by talking about feelings and emotions that arise during a stressful time. Children that aren’t able to express their feelings often carry issues into relationships with friends, peers, and even other siblings. Research proves that that kids “may seek to hide the fact of divorce from other children and this can result in very constrained relationships with peers and limit their interaction with others for fear that the secret with be discovered” (Kelly and Berg). It is important for parents to communicate the truth, in an age appropriate manner, and reassure children that they had no part in the divorce. For a child, a feeling of security comes with knowing that they can openly talk

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