
Division Of Labor : A Broad Sense

Decent Essays

Division of labor in a broad sense — system of different types of work, and also system of public relations between them. According to Marx social division of labor dismembers human activity on such partial functions and operations, each of which in itself doesn 't possess nature of activity any more and doesn 't act as a way of reproduction by the person of his social relations, his culture, his spiritual wealth and herself as persons. Such is division material and spiritual (intellectual and physical), the performing and operating work, separation of the city from the village, functions practical and ideological, etc. Marx considered that division of labor inevitably grows to class division. Together with division of labor also the person is divided. He considered that this "mutilation" of the person increases in the same measure in what division of labor grows. Matter not only that division of labor does specialization ugly narrow, and even not in fixing to the person of a certain profession, and that the individual joins in social communication not as the personality, and as the carrier of a certain function, as labor of a certain quality. He acts as the character with from the outside the dictated role. Capitalism brings all contradictions of job specialization and its consequences to an extreme aggravation. The material and cultural wealth created by people, and also the public relations leave from under their control and begin to dominate over them. Job

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