
Diversity In The Supreme Court

Decent Essays

The gender, ethnicity, economic backgrounds, and religious have and still plays a major factor in the supreme court. Majority of the Supreme Court consist of older white men that are highly educated and has a good economic background. On Wednesday Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the seat in the supreme court. Obama decision did not bring diversity in the courts, which upset a lot of people. The people that were upset were mainly African American women. With Obama being an African American I feel that people expects him to bring change when it comes to putting African Americans in higher positions. In Janell Ross article “What Picking a white, male, moderate Harvard grad for the Supreme Court says about Obama’s legacy.” There are two viewpoints on Obama decision on the nomination of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court. The first one is the disappointment that some Americans majority of African Americans feels. They view it as a letdown that insults the absence of radically transformative and equality expanding. The second viewpoint of Garland’s nomination, Obama good strategy and political mastermind that is represented by Garland being a veteran of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and a well known centrist who has a lot in common with …show more content…

Black women was the minority voters and been the most devoted supported during Obama’s presidential campaigns. In return, they hoped that Obama would nominate a black woman to the high court. Obama action has left black females feeling rejected. Many other’s are disappointed with Obama decision because he did add any diversity in the Supreme Court. I feel that Obama made the decision because he felt the Garland would be the best option but I do agree that it would have been nice if he brought diversity into the

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