This area consisted of silty mud and was mostly covered by 3 cm of the green alga Ulva. It was also downstream from the opening of a freshwater creek. The subsurface (0-30 cm) was dominated by two polychaete families (Terebellidae and Maldanidae). This area displayed the most taxonomic diversity of any of our sites in False Bay. This high diversity could be due to Ulva acting as an abundant food source that would greatly increase the number of grazers, detritivores and carnivores, or as a means of ameliorating the physical extremes of the environment. This area was also memorable due to a few exciting sightings of nemertean worms, as well as a plethora of amphipods and isopods. When venturing to the periphery of this area, be careful not
Habitat: Commonly found in terrestrial. Forest light gaps, slips, margins, disturbed sites, open habitats, riverbeds, cliffs, inshore and offshore islands, fernland, herbfield,
Although it supports a number of different organisms, Nudgee Beach lacks many of the fundamentals that make up a healthy and successful ecosystem. The first indicator of this is from the lack of birds present in the area. Although it has been noted for terrestrial bird species – such as kingfishers, pelicans, ibis, egrets, jabiru, stilts and heron – and wading bird species – such as golden plovers, curlews, tattlers and godwits – to have been spotted at Nudgee Beach and surrounding areas in the past; after a day’s worth of extensive observation and research, it was found that the birds observed were limited to magpie, ibis, great knot and eastern curlew species. To intensify this factor, at the time by which this lack of species was recorded, Nudgee Beach was expected to have started seeing tens of thousands of birds arrive for the migratory season [21]. This blatant lack of bird species diversity and quantity may have been due to the lack of small organisms within the ecosystem. The restricted number of small organisms at Nudgee Beach is detrimental to the entire ecosystem as these organisms make up the bottom levels of the food web and provide higher-level organisms with adequate amounts of food to consume. The smaller organisms expected to be observed – including; crustacean, shell, mollusc, lizard, frog, fish, worm, arachnid and insect species – was limited to the infrequent observation of crustacean, shell,
Table 2: Presence and occurrence of marine organisms in the surf zone of Pallarenda beach.
Brooks and Dodson, the authors of the article titled “Predation, Body Size, and Composition of Plankton”, conducted research on the effect the small fish called Alosa Pseudoharengus has on an ecosystem, more specifically, different lakes in New England. Along with the data they collected on the aforementioned matter, they studied the sizes and the composition of the miniscule zooplankton inhabiting the lakes, and compared it with that of the Alosa. Their research uncovered important facts regarding water ecosystems and how they are so easily thrown off balance.
1. Neil Shubin, author of Your Inner Fish, and his colleagues travel to Ellesmere Island to look for and study the shift from fish living in water to creatures living on land (4). Fossils from 360 million years ago include amphibians and reptiles. Fossils 385 million years old, only fish are found. Because of this, Shubin and his colleagues look at the time in the middle of this, 375 million years ago (10). In 2004, they give it another try, after failed previous tries (21). What gradually emerges from the rocks they searched for in the bottom of the quarry is an “intermediate” right between fish and land animals, Tiktaalik, “large freshwater fish” (22-25).
Underwater grasses, or Elodea, was observed as well. This wide variety of life is a good indicator of the water’s health.
Diversity does not simply refer to race or even culture; it’s everywhere. We are all diverse, meaning we are all different from one another. The book The Other Wes Moore we see two kids with the same name, but very different lives that they live. Wes and Wes are similar in ways, but in the end turn out nothing like each other. One chose to lead his life in a better path, while the other sticks with a path that ultimately destructs his life. In this paper, I will discuss what diversity means to me, messages that I learned about various minorities or majorities when I was a child, if my views have changed, when diversity influenced my life, and the situation when it influenced me. Some other things that I will discuss also are the main characters of the book, examples of diversity involving the main characters, and which character I related with the most in this book.
INTRO: Prompt: What should “diversity on campus” mean and why? Hook: Does diversity help liberate narrow-mindedness? What exactly is diversity? To say that diversity is approached on school campuses is an understatement to the level of understanding in this increasingly globalized world. By its definition, “diversity” requires inclusion. Are school’s really working toward the inclusion of everyone? This means including color, national origin, socio-economic status, and sexual orientation. Looking at court cases and polls shown in the short articles, “Introduction from Place, Not Race: A New Vision of Opportunity in America” and “The Trouble with Diversity: How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality,” their approach to strengthening
Throughout this semester one idea that pops in my head is how discrimination and equality is treated outside of California. I feel that California is one of the best states in the U.S. not to be bias. I heard in some other states in the U.S. racism is more acceptable and I wanted to know if there were more brutalities and are people afraid to live in these states or specifically cities.
Does our common reader assigned to the class this semester adhere to the accustomed material when it comes to examining cultural diversity in the class? My conclusion is that our common reader The Trouble with Diversity by Walter Benn Michaels touches upon the social, socio-economic, health, and educational aspect of diversity. Observing how an individual’s status and race makes an impact on how they do in society as well as how they’re treated.
Throughout history, the world has seen revolts. Revolutionaries attempting to overthrow the government. But only a few are called revolutions, because they succeeded in overthrowing their government. In this paper, I will examine the 5 revolutions that we have studied thus far: American, French, Haitian, Mexican, and Russian revolutions, and whether they fundamentally changed their respective societies. The revolutionaries promised change that would benefit the people, but when one looks closely, it can be clearly seen that there was little change in the hierarchy, but it was a different group of people in charge. Even when it seemed the revolutionaries had followed through, it proved to be a broken promise, as things went back to the
The inspiration for Bede’s reform program comes from a pattern that can be found in the book of Ezra-Nehemiah which can be conveniently divided into three sections. Each of these sections deals with a similar situation and issues: a return from exile which includes projects of restoration and reform. Today modern English translations of the Bible print the text of Ezra-Nehemiah as two distinct books. By having Ezra and Nehemiah as separate books was not always the way in which these texts were written; they were traditionally combined into one book in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles. However, by considering them as one document, it will help to make it much easier to understand the book in its three parts.
Most people have faced discrimination at some point in their lives, this is brought about by ethnicity appreciating the fact that we come from different backgrounds. Diversity is described as the inclusion of different types of people, it is vital for the community because diversity brings peace and co-existence as people interact well with each other and respect everyone despite their differences. In this essay, I will define the essential elements that help in making a community diverse.
The community pattern analysed was Zonation. This is shown in the Kite Diagram created from the class-set of data, where there are distinct bands of species along the intertidal zone. The Rocky Shore Habitat is tidal, being on the coast of New Zealand, at Te Raekaihou Point, there were several rock pools, as well as a large amount of bare rock. The intertidal zone and exposure to air in this zone were important as several species living in this zone rely on the water to avoid desiccation, this is why crevices and rock pools were a key factor in the zonation and distribution of species on the Rocky Shore.
History has recorded events and happening of different nature and at the same brought revelation of God’s works in the lives of people. They initially began as those that had some perceptions about their questions, the questions that became a personal desire for them to search for the unveiled truth. Those that witnessed their struggles, journeys and successes called them dreamers. The movie 1492: Conquest of Paradise is an account of the expeditions of an Italian explorer who discovered the Americas. The paper will address questions from the course syllabus serving as a film review for this movie as well as integrating some personal reflections.