
Diversity In 12 Angry Men

Decent Essays

The jury on Twelve Angry Man was formed by common people that had a different experience in life, whose the background was unknown to everybody else. Those people were to do a simple task, declare if the boy were guilty or not. It seems to me that most of them didn’t want to be there, so they wanted to finish the trial as soon as possible, external factor such as the hot weather was affecting their thinking and how they view that boy. The first diversity problem is presented in the way they treat the boy, with bias and stereotypes. They assume that because the experiences the boy had in life and the place he grows up was a factor to consider his guilt. Therefore, there was one man that thought differently, that was Fonda. He didn’t assume that the boy was guilty just because he was poor and grew up in a violent environment, thus the way he saw this boy and everybody in that room changed the course of that trial. …show more content…

Fonda stood strong in his efforts to listen to others and respect their opportunity to share even when the stakes were very high. I think it is very interesting that Fonda didn’t say that he was right and the rest of the group were wrong, he just had reasonable doubt that he wanted to discuss. Surely, there were a lot of different opinions as they deliberated about the case, and one thing that stood out to me was how respectful Fonda was with others opinions. He didn’t say “you are wrong”, instead he said, “what if”. Showing respect to others opinion and including them in the decision process is a key element on creating a culture of diversity, which can help employees to become more tolerant and develop empathy even moments of divergence. As a consequence, it can generate an environment of creativity,

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