
Diversity Audit

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UPS Diversity Audit

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Diversity Audit 4
I. UPS Organizational Background 4 I.1. Corporate History 4 I.2. Corporate Business Culture and Scale 4 I.3. Delivery Service Industry 4 I.4. Operational Management 5 I.5. Technology and Innovation in UPS 5
II. Selected Criteria 6 II.1. Diversity Audit Background 6 II.2. Audit Criteria 7
III. Diversity Management in UPS 8 III.1. Diversity of UPS people 8 III.2. Diversity of UPS Community 8 III.3. Diversity of UPS Customers 8 III.4. UPS Supplier Diversity 9 III.5. UPS Diversity in Board Members 9
IV. Evaluation of UPS Diversity Initiatives 9 IV.1. Feedback Facility 10 IV.2. Employee benefits 10 IV.3. Benchmarking and Cooperation 10 …show more content…

All of these operations are performed through a single network (‘Overview’, 2007). Managers of the company believed that the integrated operating model maintained by the company will deliver significant benefits in respect of many performance evaluation criteria, like employee management, environmental issues and financial viability. UPS defines itself as the first delivery service company that has the ability to synchronize the flow of goods, information and funds into a single integrated form of service. Managers and employees at UPS have worked hard to build the scale, the infrastructure, the financial foundation and the specific expertise to give birth to such synchronized form of service (‘Overview’, 2007).
I.5. Technology and Innovation in UPS Mostly, the company is proud to promote its high-tech communication technology employed to assist its operations. Managers of the company ensure stakeholders that technology always powers every line of service they offer. For instance, a PLD (package level detail) is always created to guide UPS officers in their global delivery operations. Each PLD is built from the information delivered by UPS customers through UPS electronic information system. UPS delivery officers are also guided by UPS package routing technology which is designed to enhance timeliness and

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