Diversification is a technique that reduces risk by allocating investment among various financial instruments, industries and other categories it aims to maximize return by investing in different arias that would each react differently to the same event. Most investment professional agree that although it does not guarantee against loss, diversification is the most important component of reaching long financial goals while minimizing risk.
Different types of risk-
Investors confront two main types of risk when investing
1. Undiversifiable –This type of risk is commonly known as systematic or market risk. This risk is associated with each and every company. Causes are things like inflation ray, exchange ray, political instability, entrust rate. This type of risk is not specific to a particular company or industry and it cannot be eliminated or reduced through diversification, its just a type of a risk that investors must accept.
2. Diversifiable- This type of risk is opposite to systematic risk known as unsystematic risk and is specific to a company, industry, market, economy this can be reduced through diversification the most common sources are business risk and financial risk. So the main motive is to invest in different assets so that they will not all be affected the same way by market events.
a) The economy of scale and economy of scope needs to diversification. Diversifying significantly helps in growing a firm’s ability to grow more rapidly. The main reason
Risk refers to any potential problems that would threaten the likelihood of success for or any project. These potential problems might prevent a project from achieving some or all of its objectives by increasing time and cost. Risk factors can even
Systematic risk or market risk is the risk that affects a large number of assets. Examples of systematic risk are inflation or increasing the interest rate, or any uncertainties in the economy but not the company 's performance. Unsystematic risk is the risk that mainly associated with specific companies or may be some competitors and suppliers. The systematic risk affects the whole market and cannot be controlled by investors. Unsystematic risk however affects the company and is controlled by the company 's performance. When investors invest money into a company they must research all aspects of that company so they are aware of the unsystematic risks they may encounter.
Risk is defined as the probability that a company will become insolvent and will not be able to meet its obligations when they become due for payment. The profitability versus
“He was like Buzz Aldrin the second man on the moon because he was the second African-American player in the majors behind Jackie Robinson,” said Cleveland teammate and fellow Hall Of Famer Bob Feller(Vincent, 2006). Lawrence Eugene Doby was born in Camden, South Carolina in 1923. Larry’s mom moved away to find a new job. His dad moved away to be a horse groomer. Larry moved in with his aunt who raised him. Throughout Larry Doby’s career with the game of baseball, he had many challenges and contributions, including political and cultural as he rose to be a leader in the baseball world.
Diversification is when a business introduces a new product to a new market. It is one of the great ways to seek the profit by introducing new products and hoping to sell. Diversification is part of the four main growth strategies defined by the Product/Market Ansoff matrix.
The entity 's business risk - The risk that the entity will not survive or will not be profitable.
The difference between diversifiable and market risk is that diversifiable risk can be reduced by diversifying whereas market risk can not be eliminated. d) No, because the market compensates risk diversification if you don’t diversify is your fault and you should be willing to accept the risk. 7.
Financial risk is the risk a corporation faces due to its exposure to market factors such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, commodities and stock prices. Financial risks for the most part, can be hedged due to the existence of large, efficient markets through which these risks can be transferred. This is unlike operating risk, which is associated with more manufacturing and marketing activities. Operating risk cannot be hedged because these risks are not traded.
Diversification of risk is not putting all your money into one thing, such all putting your money into all bonds. You can diversify your investments by investing in different things such as international stocks, DJIA, bonds, and different types of stocks.
A company with a business diversification consistently grew its profit by developing a diversified expansion plan beyond its core boundary compares to a new initiative. Repeatability allows a company to learn the mistakes made and support the systematic growth of the business a complex process. (Zook and Allen, 2003)
Furthermore, business risk is the possibility a company will have lower than anticipated profits or experience a loss rather than taking a profit (Business Risk, 2015). Business risk is affected by several factors including competition, input costs, sales volume, economic changes and government regulations. In addition to operating leverage, financial leverage and business risk, financial risk must also be considered. Financial risk is the possibility that shareholders will lose money when they invest in a company that has debt, if the company's cash flow proves inadequate to meet its financial obligations (Financial Risk, 2004). A firm that operates
The idea behind diversification is to invest in a large number of assets so that a loss in any particular investment is minimized by gains
Diversification is a technique that targets to improve business's potential by spreading the risks to a wider spectrum of activities ADDIN EN.CITE Merna2011436(Merna & Al-Thani, 2011)4364366Merna, T.Al-Thani, F.F.Corporate Risk Management2011United StatesJohn Wiley & Sons9781119995104http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=F-RfoNWYZ6YC(
Diversification is a basic principle in investing the idea being that since you cannot possibly know beforehand which stocks will perform better or worse than the average, you cannot afford to put all of your money into one company, or even in companies within a single industry. One resorts to diversification to spread the risk -- and opportunity. The average returns are obtained by diversifying.
Diversification is defined as the expansion of the firm across product, geographic, and customer markets. Firms have traditionally relied on this strategy for one of three major goals: growth, risk reduction, and profitability. Commonly sough benefits include scope economies (via shared resources and capabilities across businesses), economies from internalized transactions, and improved access to market information (Grant, 2010). The benefits of scope economies are often referred to as synergies. Other rationales include the firm’s efforts to escape an increasingly unattractive market and to make effective use of surplus cash flows by investing them in more attractive products or services. (Pg 22). Research has shown that by diversifying, businesses can decrease its financial losses which is identified by its higher debt to capitalization ratio.