
Essay on Divergent Viewpoints - Ted Hughes

Decent Essays

The nature of conflicting perspectives is to explore differing values and ideas, through the representation of the events, people and situations, which in some way impact on the composer and the reader. Composers often manipulate their representations for their own purpose and these conflicting perspectives exist because of the eternal subjectivity of composers. Hughes' 20th century confessional poems, "Fulbright Scholars" and "Your Paris" offers a perspective on his tempestuous relationship with Plath, persuading the reader that he was the victim suffocating under Plath's mental instability. Similarly, George Clooney's (2005) American dramatic film, "Good Night and Good Luck", in conjunction with Hughes poetry demonstrates how the …show more content…

The use of ironic imagery discharges an emotive, personal tone which in turn persuades the reader to empathise with Hughes as he was "dumbfounded afresh" by Plath.

Consequently, individuals can be selective in their choices when representing a person, event or situation and omit key elements, controlling the response of the responder. Similar to how Hughes' anthology, "Birthday Letters", expressed through inherent subjectivity, George Clooney's 1950's era, Good Night and Good Luck, echoes this as he represents this idea through the media. Through filmic devices, Clooney explores the tension between the perspectives of reporters at CBS and Senator Joseph McCarthy in viewing McCarthy's actions as he, "takes charge… of Communist infiltration". Just as Hughes' relationship with Plath raised questions from public opinion, but he dismisses their viewpoints through his emotional poetry. Clooney uses Edward R. Murrow to expose Senator McCarthy as a fear monger of communism in his television segment, "See it Now", as he presents his story from a low angle shot. This presents Murrow in a powerful position as he uses the media to announce his perspective on McCarthy to the citizens of America. As he addresses the story about "a man.. Regarded as a security risk.. If associated with Communists". Additionally, "it seems to us… Myself.. That this is a subject that should be argued about endlessly", Clooney has

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