
Distractions In Brave New World

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Our society mimics the World State because we allow entertainment to distract us, falling deeper into the ¨sea of irrelevance¨ that Huxley feared. Postman's view one can argue is accurate because we fall further from the truth by increasing our distractions.
In the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, one can see how everyone lives their life by taking a drug called soma to rely on happiness. Huxley introduced us to his perfect world in 1932 when he published his novel, The Brave New World which is based on a hands-on government which controls the entire planet. Everyone in the Brave New World is not aware of what is actually going on thus meaning they are not fully aware they are controlled by their master/ creator Mustapha. Lenina Crowne, a …show more content…

Here we see how John (The savage) is talking to Mustapha about how instead of dealing and learning from problems he just puts them to the side, this shows how if he was part of a normal society he’ll realize that this is wrong and instead of avoiding problems he’ll act upon them and try to ¨fix¨ them. “You got rid of them. Yes, that’s just like you. Getting rid of everything unpleasant instead of learning to put up with it. Whether ’tis better in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. ¨(Ch.17 Pg. 266.) John comprehends that he’s working in a different world than the one in which he was raised. This acknowledgement is the thing that last drives him to leave the world state and live in isolation. It is as of now that he understands a man like himself would not survive in a world like this. A world where he doesn’t fit in, because he’s aware of the injustices the people from the world state face. In “Your DNA Does Not Define You” by Carine McCandless, she mentions they her brother, Chris Mccandless was unhappy and needed a getaway for ever, “Our childhood home was far from peaceful- domestic violence, our father’s gin-induced rages, combined with constant lies and manipulations to keep secrets, made it a confusing place to grow up and figure out who you were.” This demonstrates that Chris Mccandless didn’t want to live the "ordinary" route keeping in mind the end goal to satisfy genuine joy. This relates back to the society in the World State in light of the fact that the people are additionally ignorant of the way that their lives are being runned and controlled and have no clue that they can accomplish to be glad an alternate route from how they are living. A few people end up plainly

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