
Dissociative Identity Disorder In The Movie Split

Decent Essays

The movie I have watched is split, which is a thrilling horror movie about the kidnapping of three teenage girls by a villain named Kevin who is diagnosed with a split personality. Split personality is a multiple personality disorder or Dissociative identity disorder which is a mental condition in which a person has two or more personalities. Dissociative Identity Disorder is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as "the presence of two or more distinct identities… that recurrently take control of the person's behavior. . and in which there is an inability to recall important information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetting" (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). In the movie …show more content…

In the movie Kevin was abused by his mother in his childhood which caused psychological break in both his emotional and mental. Most people with Dissociative disorder develop multiple alter egos to protect them from the situation they are running from, whether it is for an emotional or a physical escape, it is a method of psychoanalysis called transference. In this situation Kevin developed multiple alter egos to escape from the emotional and physical abuse of his …show more content…

Hurt people hurt others. It is remarkable how in the movie, Kevin spared the life of one of the girls he kidnapped Casey, but killed the other two and his therapist when she tried to stop him. He spared Casey as he believes that she is pure because of the marks he saw on her body, which are from abuse.
Therapies like psychotherapy and cognitive therapy are ways to treat Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dr. Fletcher used both therapy as a way for Kevin to control his other personalities, she especially used cognitive behavioral therapy on Kevin’s alter ego Denis to convince him that Kevin needs him and how strong he

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