
Disrespect For Her Parents In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Fresh out of the arms of her mother, only to fall right into the arms of another man. Juliet was considered to young to carry the responsibilities witch come with motherhood,and this lack of mucherity was soon shown in act three scene two when Juliet wished the death of her parents before the death of her husband she had nearly met. Disrespect for her parents is not the only quality of a thirteen year old witch Juliet carries. For the only quality that screams hormonal teenager more than disrespect is the action of always doing the opposite of what you are asked. The overwhelming reality of Juliet's sposive lover murdering her “dear-loved cousin”, may have been to balm for her harsh words, or simply her inability to handle stressful situations due to her unexperienced age. "Will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?” “Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?”(3:2:104-106). Juliet had described Romeo as a beautiful demon who has deceived her, only a few dialogues ago and now she is defending him. However, Juliet did not start speaking on his behalf until her Nurse spoke against him. Teenagers are programed to get there way even if they have know idea what they want, which is exactly …show more content…

One of the major stereotypes of adolescence is having a overly dramatic attitude towards everything. “...To speak that word is father, mother, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet all slain, all dead. ‘Romeo is banished’ there is no end, no limit, measure, bound, in the word’s death.”(1:2:133-137). By having Juliet speck of Romeo’s banishment being worse than everyone she cares for dying; including her parents, shows how emotionally unstable Juliet is at this time. Before this act the audience was aware of Juliet's young age, however, she did not conduct in any auctions in which would inform of us of her age if we wear not already previously

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