
Disengaged Student: Personal Statement

Decent Essays

My main goal is to enjoy my life since contentment has not come easily to me, and I know that the only way that I will be satisfied is by feeding my curiosity and honing my skills. Ever since I was in elementary school, I have struggled to feel content with my education. Being a student in a small public charter school left me feeling underchallenged. I found much of the work tedious, and yet there was so much that I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. Busywork piled up on me, but barely any of it held a legitimate learning experience. Despite my good grades, school made me miserable. Every assignment that I submitted made me sick to my stomach with worry. The possibility of my work not being good enough for the teacher concerned me, as well …show more content…

However, I still feel like I can do better for myself. Loud classes with disengaged students have left me ravenous for a chance to pursue my education in a way that allows me to think outside of the box, and I’ve wondered if there’s a way that I can catch myself back up to where I used to be before my illness held me back. Watching my friends move on to college while I have to spend another year in high school is heartbreaking. Determined not to be left behind, I searched for a solution that will propel me forward for what I know I am ready for, and I eventually came upon Simon’s Rock. As soon as I read through the website with my mother, I felt ready to burst with excitement. Academics based on writing, critical thinking, and communication with other students sound like just what I need to feed my desire for a deeper understanding of the world. For years, I have found it difficult to connect with other people my age because I’m rarely in close proximity to other teenagers, but living on-campus with other students would help me to socialize a lot more. My current school doesn’t have many clubs, and I can’t attend the ones that it has because of transportation issues. Exploring my interests with other students and not just by myself has been something I’ve wanted for a long time. At Simon’s Rock, without the constraints of distance and limited transportation, I could do so many more enriching activities. This school has just the kind of support I need to fulfil my potential. I feel like a fledgeling still sitting in the nest, just waiting for the chance to jump out and stretch my wings. Although I am young, I feel the need to leave my nest before it’s time for my mother to give me a push. My goal is to enjoy my life in ways that I haven’t been able to before by satisfying my need for new experiences, feeding my curiosity, and

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