
Disease Trends and the Delivery of Health Care Services

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Disease Trends and the Delivery of Health Care Services

The health care delivery services have changed dramatically over the years, this service has made some major improvements since it began. Within today’s health care system advancements have been made to prolong life expectancies and a person’s quality of life. As everyone knows the cost of providing health care is expensive and not always easy to accomplish. The cost, accessibility, along with the quality of care is a challenge that the health care system faces in order to provide people with needed health care. Education of disease trends and keeping the public informed have been a very good impact on today’s society. With the help of organizations such as the World Health …show more content…

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a progressive disease that causes the heart to weaken and the cardiovascular system. This develops when the heart is cannot to pump enough blood to meet the demands of the body’s other organs ( Narrowed arteries that supply the blood to the heart muscles or high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can also cause congestive heart failure. Knowing the signs of possible heart failure can help a person know on coming problem and possibly prevent a major heart attack. CHF is preventable and the best way this can be done is with minimizing the risk factors, and involves changing a person’s lifestyle, which is the key to much healthier life. This is accomplished by choosing to eat healthier adding fresh vegetables and fruit to a person’s diet, including a daily routine of exercise and physical activity, and retaining a healthy weight. To manage congestive heart failure a person should get proper rest, quit smoking, lose weight, maintain a low salt diet, and control stress. With controlling the influence of possible heart disease; fewer complication will develop from the disease and less health care and medications will become necessary. Therefore if people are able to minimize their risk for disease the health care delivery system can continue to provide help to the public without concern about

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