
Discussion Of Commodity Fetishism According To Marx

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To begin the discussion of commodity fetishism one would have to understand what a commodity is according to Marx. In the most simple terms, Marx describes commodity as the transformation of natural resources to a good which has value through the human labor time invested in it, The value os a commodity can be established through its comparison with other commodities. The labor time invested into the commodity is seen as a social process. This social process can be seen by the relationship between commodities. However, this social process remained largely hidden to the general public because of the alienation of the proletariat from the goods they produce. This hiddenness of the value of commodities is a mystery that creates its fetishism. …show more content…

Human labor is not valued since it is hidden from the general public. Furthermore, since human labor is hidden the worker is also alienated from the products they produce. This sort of creates a barrier between the worker and products. This alienation and barrier is further pushed by the alienation of worker from other workers. The workers don’t see the value in other workers but rather in the products they create. The worker therefore begins to value the economic and monetary value of a commodity. This emphasis on the economic value of a commodity restricts social relations between people. Thus through the fetishization of commodities people are alienated from social relations with one another. The workers are therefore alienated from one another because the capitalist system compels them to believe that they are in competition with one another. This competition restricts the worker from creating social relations. Thus, all social relations are seen as economic ones through the fetishization of …show more content…

This universal class is not contained in one geographical location but rather throughout the world. The proletariat is essentially those people that work for the bourgeoisie and themselves are not the owners of commodities. In the capitalist system, they are simply disposable to the bourgeoisie especially when they don’t fulfill the requirements needed for effective and beneficial production. Even though the workers are alienated from one another they are united through their exploitation by the bourgeoisie. Furthermore, their interests are aligned with society as a whole. Marx argues that the proletariat as a universal class will rise to revolt against the abuses and exploitation by the bourgeoisie. This concept of the proletariat as a universal class is related the invisibility of social relation in commodities. Since the value of labor that went into commodities is hidden, the proletariat in unable to see the social relations go into the value of a commodity. The proletariat due to their alienation from their products values the commodity just as the bourgeoisie and capitalist society hopes it would. Further, the proletariat is also seen as encompassing the general interests of society as whole. The invisibility of social relations is evident in the universal class. The universal class values the commodities produced by capitalism since it is unable to see the relations and value that went into

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