
Discuss The Pros And Cons Of Fascism

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Fascism refers to the philosophy of having a dictator rule the country, with the dictator having full power over the people and having the ability to suppress those who oppose and criticize him. It also refers to a government that follows the principles of the fascism philosophy. Fascists do not believe in liberal democracy; rather, they prioritize totalitarianism and military citizenship to help the country prepare for armed conflict and economic struggles.

The word “fascism” comes from the Italian word “fascismo”. This, in turn, is derived from the word “fascio”, which means “a bundle of rods” and refers to the fact that a bundle of rods is more difficult to break than a single rod. The term “fasci” is derived from this word and is used …show more content…

It paves the way to the abuse of power.
Fascism hands over the control of the entire nation to one person. This can be dangerous since, no matter how well-intentioned a person can be, human nature can still take over and cause him to feel entitled and superior to everybody. His inherent desire for power and his ability to have it without question can push him to use his position to do things for his own benefit and not for the nation’s.

What’s even worse is that it’s not only the dictator who will abuse power. His family, his close friends, and his political allies can also abuse their position to fill their coffers and get what they want.

2. It prevents people from enjoying free speech.
As mentioned above, fascism does not tolerate criticism and opposition. Those who do criticize and openly oppose the dictator can be imprisoned or, worse, sentenced to death. At this point, human rights are no longer a priority and, since the entire country is under the control of the dictator, he can do whatever he wants with those who do not support him. This can leave ordinary people afraid to practice free speech and express their feelings and opinions, since doing so can result to their incarceration or

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