1) ____________ are internal states that focus on particular aspects of or objects in the environment.
2) Inventory shrinkages and accidents pertain to which component of direct costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
3) Which of the following is an example of an indirect cost associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
4) Distrust, disrespect, and animosity pertain to which component of indirect costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
5) Title VII is most relevant to the employment context because it __________on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in all aspects of employment. A. prevents layoffs
B. eliminates nepotism
C. prohibits
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12) When companies discover they can communicate better with their customers through employees who are similar to their customers, those companies then realize they have increased their _____ diversity.
13) Which of the following observations is correct?
A. Diversity is quantitative and affirmative action is qualitative.
B. Diversity is proactive and affirmative action is reactive.
C. Diversity is problem focused and affirmative action is opportunity focused.
D. Diversity is government initiated and affirmative action is voluntary
14) How firms compete with each other and how they attain and sustain competitive advantage is the essence of
A. operations management
B. financial management
C. data management
D. strategic management
15) Which of the following defines the crucial elements for a strategy's success? A. Strategy analysis
B. Strategy formulation
C. Strategy facilitation
D. Strategy implementation
16) How does a mission statement differ from a vision statement?
A. The mission statement includes the result of an analysis of the future availability of labor and also future labor requirements.
B. The mission statement is an effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands on an organization, and to provide qualified people to fulfill that business and satisfy those demands.
C. The mission statement typically includes a fairly substantial effort to establish some direct
allocate to recruit and retain a diverse workforce; (2) Communication is a key component because is it
Develop and maintain diversity, inclusion and cultural competency curriculum and ensure it is integrated within all departments at the Corporate Office.
The case study, Is this a case of discrimination or non-performance, the author discuss the issue between Dr. George Annan, newly hired the assistant professor and Dr. Mary Reed, the department head for the Applied technology and management at Northern Plain University. Dr. Mary Reed was offered a position as the department head in August 2003. She accepted the new position and was excited to run the department. Within two years, she had a great experience working as a head of the department; however, her job got difficult when she encounters issues with African employee. Dr. George Annan was hired in August 2003 as the assistant professor in the Construction Management Program. He was the only African male professor among three White professors. Issues arise when Dr. Mary Reed observes Professor Annan’s teaching styles and other demands which seem to be problematic. However, Dr. Reed did not provide enough information to the professor Annan which makes him think that he is being discriminated. This is a case of non- performance; however, the manager took some poor steps which lead to the issues.
Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. In the workforce, the issue of racism and discrimination has been brought to the center of conversations around the world. Companies claim to be “colorblind” and not hire somebody based on their race or gender, but the employment rates among minorities and women around the world is significantly lower than the majority in the given country. There is also the growing issue of minorities, such as blacks in america, making significantly less money than whites. This issue affects people all around the world who happen
Discrimination is a very hard barrier to break. To discriminate means to "distinguish between one another; to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other then individual merit." Everyone at some point in their life experiences some form of discrimination that might be on the basis of their race, religion, age, or sex. Discrimination can be examined from many different angles. Because of this, I have decided to discuss one type of discrimination, which is employment discrimination. Throughout this paper I will attempt to answer several questions. Such questions are what is employment discrimination and whom does it effect? What could one do if find that they are a victim of discrimination?
“The American Dream” is advertised as being the act of a person having an idea, goal, or as the saying suggests, a dream, and then them spending time, energy, and money to make it come true. However, if you haven’t realized it yet, there’s a reason they call it a dream because it hardly becomes a reality. More and more people are realizing this so called “dream” is nothing but a hoax, and that the promises America assures and guarantees such as equal opportunity and equal success are nothing but pure manipulation. Furthermore, the American dream no longer stands by the virtue of discrimination and prejudice, overwhelming debt, and failed establishments.
“A diversity of views leads to a better discussion and greater understanding among students.”- Finkelman. This quotes clearly states why any colleges decide to give out scholarships to people from minority groups. They need to make sure different races attend their schools so the students may have better class discussions and a greater understanding of other cultures/backgrounds so they are prepared for various situations in life even after college.
Today’s population of American is made up of people who came from variety of countries with a very different economic, religious and social backgrounds. We are all have right to privately practice our own religions or not practice at all. Racism and religion are issues that were brought to our society not long time ago. On the example of story of “America can’t breathe” by Luiza Ch. Savage and “Islamophobia” by Laila Lalami we can clearly see that discrimination exists and it makes America unhealthy. What events and issues formed the basis that racism and discrimination are the pressing problems in nowadays?
In my work place setting, I work for a agency who works with families with children that are autistic or have behavioral problems. Moreover, with my job being an agency there are significant amount of flaws within this organization. Agencies in general seem to have many flaws. Furthermore, I experience a few stressors that effect me daily. One stressor that I experience is having to go to weekly supervision every Friday without pay. This is a stressor for me because my job location is not as close to my house, granted about 25 minutes from my home. So, the stress for me is driving all the way to my job location just to speak on actions of my client that are consistent each week. Other jobs that I have applied to previously compensate their workers for supervision weekly or give the option to have phone conferences about our clients.
For a long time, equality in the United States was just a figment of some hopeful people’s imaginations, and an impractical idea from their reality. There was separation in schools, restaurants, and even workplaces. Along with separation there was racism and discrimination everywhere. Discrimination is “the act of denying rights, benefits, justice, equitable treatment, or access to facilities available to all others, to an individual or group of people because of their race, age, gender, handicap or other defining characteristic.”(Your Dictionary). President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 on March 6, 1961, which was the first reference to a term known as “affirmative action”. This order led to the creation of the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, which requires that any projects that are federally funded must “take affirmative action” to ensure that their workplaces are free of racial bias in the practices of employment and hiring. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, is a branch of federal government that followed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and its main purpose was to construe and impose federal laws that deal with preventing discrimination. “To achieve these goals, the EEOC holds hearings, administers equal employment opportunity laws for employees of the federal government, issues regulations interpreting the law, and litigates discrimination cases, among other things. The EEOC also accepts charges of discrimination from
respect or regard him or her as an elderly person. As a result of this, it can make it difficult for the successfulness of anti-discriminatory practices in the workplace.
Prejudice is the negative attitude based on false generalizations about members of different racial and ethnic groups. From prejudice, discrimination is born. We all are guilty of discriminating other people, but one can only speculate the factors that bring about this hatred towards one another. Although a single cause cannot account for the presence of racism, factors such as socialization, self-justification, and competition are a few human attributes that lead to acts of racial discrimination.
You’ve probably seen these signs at restaurants: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” Or, “No shirt, no shoes, no service.”
There is discrimination everywhere at anytime, anywhere in the world. Discrimination can occur in many ways due to different opinions and perspectives. One of them occurs by religion of different people. Religious discrimination is to treat someone differently with others in a bad way due to their religion or beliefs.There are lots of religious discrimination around the world. People should be against religious discrimination because it keeps people from harassment on their religious beliefs, prevent less wars happening, and people will correct their stereotypes on others.
Discrimination in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as “a prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment.” Discrimination is a decision or an act that negatively treats a group based on a certain ground of ideology in which the group belongs to. The discrimination is usually always done by the people who are in power or majority and have a feeling that they are superior to the other races in the country. Practicing or choosing not to practice a religion is an exceptionally personal decision that every individual makes. The first amendment of the U.S. constitution states that everybody in the United States has the privilege to practice his or her own particular religion, or no religion by any stretch of the imagination.