
Discrimination In Okita

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Jacque Fresco once said that, "If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems we must eventually declare Earth and all of its resources as the common heritage of all the world's people." The most ethically diverse country in the world by population is the United States. Even with the United States multicultural society, discrimination still exists. Cisneros's story and Okita's poem show that physical appearance and cultural heritage do not determine what it means to be American.

Okita's poem was written in response of the to Executive Order 9066: All Americans of Japanese Descent Must Report to Relocation Centers. This was put in order during World War II between the U.S.A. and Japan. In Okita's poem, Japanese Americans were getting discriminated against due to their cultural heritage and physical appearances. Denise, who is white and the girl’s best friend, was most likely told by an grown-up about the American vs. Japanese matters, and stereotyped and discriminated against the girl for this “She was sitting on the other side of the room. “You’re trying to start a war,” she said, ´giving secrets away to the Enemy. Why can’t …show more content…

In Okita's poem the narrator says that ''I have always felt funny using chopsticks and my favorite food is hot dogs.'' The chopsticks are an utensil commonly associated with Japanese culture and the hotdog is what people typically call 'American' food. The girl is basically saying that she has a stronger connection to America than she does Japan. Cisneros's narrator shares this opinion. In Cisneros's story the girl often refers to her grandmother as 'awful grandmother’. The 'awful grandmother’ is often in the church praying and speaking only Spanish. Hinting to the reader that the grandmother symbolizes the traditional Mexican culture and implying the reader was not fond of her heritage

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