
Essay Discrimination

Decent Essays


Discrimination! Of course you have heard of discrimination, but what is it. A dictionary would tell you discrimination is "to make a distinction in favor of or against a person." Discrimination is a lot more than just that: it's hate, hurting, judging, ignorance, and can even lead to death. The world we live in has been struggling with this sensitive subject, for as long as we have record of. Many people believe discrimination has made a big step forward. But has it? If it has, why do people still receive hate mail, or get called names, or die because they differ from each other. I guess these are questions you must ask yourself. I guess you could also ask yourself, if you …show more content…

But it is true, there are many people out there just like that. So will it ever change? I don't know if anyone will ever be able to answer that question, but I do know a place were there will be no discrimination.

One of the first acts of discrimination takes place in one of the first books of the bible. When the Pharaoh of Egypt, discriminated against the children of Israel by passing the decree, that all male babies born were to be put to death. The Pharaoh held all the Hebrew people as slaves. That's just one of the first, of many acts of discrimination to come.

One of the most famous acts of discrimination took place in our own country. When the white Americans, discriminated against the black Americans because of there color. They had white bathrooms, and black bathrooms, and so on with schools, restaurants, and everything. That sounds like a real intelligent way to judge, or discriminate against someone. Really it sounds more like the way a two year old would separate building blocks.

Another famous act of discrimination took place during War War II. Hitler discriminated against the Jewish people of Germany, because he wanted to create a superior race. He had thousands of people because they didn't look like what he thought they should look like. He even brainwashed more to believe the same as him. You wonder how a man with Jewish blood and characteristics,

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