
Discrimination Case Summary

Decent Essays

According to this case, employers should be concerned enough about the avoiding of discrimination in all of the employment decisions. The plaintiff in this case is a female attorney, Gallina, who is the associate in the law firm. The problem here began when the news of her having the baby reached her employer. This incident raised only after the news reached the employer and not when she started working for the company. As soon as her employer found out the case, he started treated her badly with unusually harsh language. According to law, employers should exercise care I the decision relating to the employees who have filed charges or even filed a case against discrimination. Employers also should exercise care and caution in their language …show more content…

To me as a judge, there is no problem with that as long as the plaintiff was concerned of her employment. This case is progressed after a partner told Gallina that she was no longer perceived as a committed as other lawyers and therefore she has to decide whether she is going to work as a successful lawyer or she wanted to be a successful mommy. This then led to termination of her employment on poor performance ground. This is in contrary to the fact that other attorneys in her office terms her works as good work. This was followed by her termination of work. Prior to this action, the decision was made to annually withhold the plaintiff salary. This caused the plaintiff untold suffering (Jones, 2006). Another burning issue with the case against plaintiff is that all the negative evaluation were from the partners in her own office while the partners in the other office were positive. This to me is a form of discrimination of highest order. As a lawyer, I support Gallina’s case because she has an overall good remarks and the problem only rose when the news of her having a baby was

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