
Discovery Psychology: Science Of Mind

Satisfactory Essays

For researchers who interested in studying some idea or concept, the demographic characteristic is one of the factors that researchers have to consider carefully. Participants are the main object of every experiment. To make participants feel confident, safe, and agree to do the researchers’ favors, there are certain things that have to be think of, especially the demographic characteristic (example: race, gender, ethnicity, or culture). One of the concepts that the researchers must learn in how prejudice influence in the society. John Cacioppo wrote in Discovery Psychology: Science of mind that the meaning of prejudice is a prejudgment, usually negative, of a person on the basis of his or her membership in a group. (Cacioppo, p. 630). The easy understanding concept is where each of demographic characteristic from each people or group have similar characteristics that make people think that all people with same traits will be just the same with others. This concept usually accompanied with term stereotypes and discrimination, which it actually can …show more content…

In the book of Discovery Psychology: Science of Mind, participants will be given either a face (African American or European American) or a word at the screen (joy, good, bad, devil, bomb, peace). An implicit bias in favor of African Americans would be shown if reaction time in the first condition (African American or Good) is faster than in the second condition (African American or Bad) because of the racial group prejudice (Cacioppo, p. 632). This shows that participants most likely have their own stereotypes about certain race. If researchers want to have experiments that have a connection with race or ethnicity, they should be more careful to choose the participants and construct questions to make the results unbiased and no one gets

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