
Discontinuity And Irrational Relations In Katy Perry's Song 'Rise'

Decent Essays

The music video for Katy Perry’s song, “Rise”, shows her overcoming each obstacle she comes across. The video utilizes both rhythmic and spatial relations as well as using continuity and discontinuity between shots in order to tell the story of the song. First, the video utilizes rhythmic relation to get the viewer anticipating the clip change. Essentially, rhythmic relation is the length of the individual clips. The music video is a compilation of various length clips that utilize both continuity and discontinuity to effect one’s feelings towards the video. For example, in the beginning of the music video, it shows Katy Perry pulling a parachute through a series of rapid yet smooth changing clips. This sequence of clips offers continuity between …show more content…

During a film, a man steals his pocket watch and he follows the tips in his book to try to find it. Later in the film, he falls asleep and enters the realm of the movie where he is a phenomenal detective and works to find who stole the pearls. The rhythmic relation in Sherlock Jr. offers discontinuity through the varying lengths of scenes and through the obvious changes between clips that reveal the editing. For example, the film contains some clips which are very quick quotes from the dialogue both in front of and behind the clip. Discontinuity is also offered through the rhythmic relation with several extended scenes. One of these scenes is when Sherlock Jr. is sitting on the couch while the girl and the bad guy are in the kitchen talking. The clip rolls for an extended period of time with no interruptions as Sherlock Jr. attempts to get the bad guy away from the girl and humiliate him by making him slip on a banana peel. Sherlock Jr. offers continuity through the spatial relation. As the setting changes, there are only few abrupt changes in the setting. For the most part the change in setting is explained through clips where the characters are walking, running, or driving to the new

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