
Disciplining A Child : Corporal Punishment

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Disciplining a Child: Corporal Punishment vs Non-Corporal Punishment
“You’re going to get it when we get home!” “Stop it, right now!” “Sit in the time-out chair for ten minutes until you can behave!” Phrases like these have been used by parents whether they believe in corporal punishment or non-corporal punishment. Children are ingenious at pushing their parent’s buttons, whether it is verbally or by inappropriate behaviors that they are encouraged not to do. Parents become frustrated, angry, exasperated, or even embarrassed and begin to administer some type of discipline to correct the behavior. For instance, this correction, many times, is dependent upon the location of the bad behavior, whether it is at home or in a public setting. …show more content…

Teaching a child must begin very early in their life. Often times, this teaching process must be enforced through spanking, spatting, smacking, swatting, or paddling. In the end, physical punishment may be the result of other unsuccessful parenting strategies which began as scolding, yelling, or reasoning (Holden, 2002). Thus, resorting to physical punishment in order to gain an immediate response from the child for unacceptable behavior, quickly educates a child on his or her boundaries.
Defining non-corporal punishment would be the opposite of corporal punishment; therefore, it would mean punishment by other methods that are not physical. Examples of non-corporal punishment are reasoning, rewarding, scolding, and grounding, spending time in isolation or time-out, or possibly verbally lashing out at the child. Non-corporal punishment relies on a child’s ability to think about their misbehavior abstractly and then, through the guidance of the parent, change their behavior in future instances.
Society and the family unit have changed vastly over the last thirty to fifty years. Families consisted of many more children in past years and most often were two-parent households. Many times the mother stayed at home with the children and was the primary caregiver as opposed to day care or other adults today. Children were expected to do chores or work in the field to help the family unit function. Assisting in the care and well-being of younger siblings

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