
Disciple Of Jesus Research Paper

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A disciple of Jesus, Peter was quick to act or react impulsively. The first example is in Mathew 14, which describes the story of Jesus walking on water. After seeing Jesus walking on water, Peter, who was in a boat with other disciples, asked Jesus if he could walk on water. Jesus replied, “Yes, come” (Mathew 14:29 NLT) and Peter exited the boat and began walking on water. However, when the wind and waves grew stronger, Peter began to doubt, started to sink, and he cried out for Jesus to save him (Mathew 14:30 NLT). The implication of this story suggests that failing to understand research concepts can lead to doubt. Furthermore, the researcher must trust the data and, without reservation, provide actionable conclusions or recommendations …show more content…

Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain. While on the mountain, Jesus transformed and Elijah and Moses appeared and began to talk (Mark 9:2 NLT). With fear and not understanding what was taking place, Peter made the quick comment “Rabbi, it’s wonderful for us to be here! Let’s make three shelters as memorials – one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” (Mark 9:5 NLT). Peter’s comment implies that he was placing Jesus, Elijah, and Moses on the same level equal to God. This example here suggests that making impulsive decisions before understanding the information presented can lead to improper

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