
Disadvantages Of Fair Trade

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Having the privilege to live in a developed country like America has blessed us with an abundance of prospers opportunities, but have we let these opportunities outweigh the Earths health? This question may not be one that can be answered till future time. Accordingly, what we can discuss is how our purchases have a ripple effect on the natural environment and undeveloped cultures in which many times they derived from or are at. With concepts like fair trade and using reusable and sustainable products to help make a healthier and a more just world.
Being a conscious consumer currently is no small task, with multiple choices of mega stores filled with products that our most time often than not filled with products that are cheaply produced. Moreover, the big company’s give little regard to the producer. This is where the concept of fair trade comes from. In a piece of Harvard’s Journal of Economic Perspectives states that “Fair Trade is a labeling initiative aimed at improving the lives of the poor in developing countries by offering better terms to producers and helping them to organize.” (Dragusanu, Giovannucci, Nunn, 2014) The article continues to say that “…Fair Trade-certified coffee exports were 1.8 percent of global coffee exports in 2009…” (Dragusanu, Giovannucci, Nunn, 2014) A reason why this percent maybe so small could be due to peoples who make the argument that Fair Trade is not economically sustainable. This meaning that if these producers are underneath the

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