
Disability Oppression Research Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout history both in the past and present many individuals who are living or who lived with a disability have been viewed as a burden to society. According to The Dimensions of a Disability Oppression (2010) by L.J Charlton several aspects are intertwined with disability oppression which is beliefs, politics and economics. Policy and the world system have a lot to do with how people see another person especially an individual with a disability because thanks to poverty and powerlessness are viewed as daily experiences in the life of someone living with a disability. In our society when it comes to differences we either ignore it and if we feel that it’s not dominant enough we start to think its subordinate compared to us. We are taught …show more content…

In today’s day and age several individuals who are living with any disability look for support through a social worker. As it is the social worker's job to find different support groups, counsel, and provide the right services to their client. This could be done so by signing them up for Ontario disability support programs, Ontario Works, etc. As agencies would have it they only usually see disability as only being physical, they can give support services out easier. For example if a social worker was helping an individual with an intellectual disability which prevented them from working, and they had to apply for Ontario Works the social worker would have to make sure that individual has all the paperwork stating that they actually have that disability. However, if they are helping an individual who is in a wheelchair apply for this support they would be able to get it done a lot faster. Social Workers’ try their very best not to judge and help every client but sometimes there are several barriers in the way before they can even start the process of that. Disability oppression is one of those

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