
Disability In Early Childhood Education Essay

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Essay One
There are many children in this country who have a disability of some description who are trying to gain access to good quality early childhood education. However, there is still some problems for these children in being able to access this type of education and are often being excluded from a number of early childhood settings. This is mainly due to the fact of not knowing how to respond to their various needs.

This investigation looks at these issues and gives suggestions on how early childhood teachers can better meet the needs of children with a disability, and how they can support them within the early childhood setting. Although there are many problems teacher’s face when it comes to providing an inclusive environment for …show more content…

These differences could be things like physical abilities where a person may be limited to what they can do because of their disability which could restrict their movements. Rata (2008) describes diversity as individuals and groups within one society being different. They are identified by others on the features that they possess which makes them stand out from the rest of the population. This can cause inequity at an early childhood centre as children and teachers have to respect the differences that the child with a disability has, and the challenge of adapting to their difference and accommodating for their needs.
Discourse causes inequity as it gives us ideas and assumptions which together reflect a particular view on the world (Claiborne & Drewery, 2009). Often the world discriminates against children who have a disability including early childhood settings. Early childhood settings can be discriminating by not allowing children who have a disability to attend their centre as they may not have the resources or the time to deal with these children, and are not willing to invest in the needed changes. So instead will say that they can’t attend the centre and this in turn makes the child feel left out and feel like they don’t belong anywhere.

Personal identity can result in inequity, as it deals with people creating their own identity which can be linked to their everyday experiences within their culture and

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